Another is indirect damage that results from a breakdown in trust in a financial arrangements, due to crises, pervasive duping, or both. 另一种是对金融安排的信任崩溃所造成的间接损害,其原因包括危机,普遍存在的欺骗,或两者皆有。
Using thermal conductive tubing through indirect heating way, could not cause damage to oily, extend the frying oil change cycle. 采用导热油管道间接加热的方式,对油质不会造成破坏,延长了炸油的更换周期。
In no event shall the seller be liable for indirect or consequential damage. 卖方不承担间接原因发生的损失,或由此而造成的损失。
Any category of indirect, special or consequential loss or damage. 任何类型的间接、特殊或附带损失或损害。
The liver is the majority of medicines transformation metabolism place, when liver metabolism, some medicines itself and its metabolite may have direct or the indirect toxic damage to the liver cell. 肝脏是大部分药物转化代谢的场所,一些药物在肝脏代谢时,其本身或其代谢产物可对肝细胞产生直接或间接的毒性损伤。
Electrical fire disaster has a direct bearing on production of industry and agriculture and brings about direct and indirect damage. 电气火灾与工农业生产密切相关,它造成的损失不但有直接的,而且往往有间接的。
The indirect damage analysis by mining 采动间接损害分析
The measurement of indirect cost of disaster damage 共同配送问题中的费用分担灾害间接经济损失的计量
In essence, this sort of damage is deemed to be direct damage not to be indirect damage. 对第三人的惊吓损害,其在性质上应被看作直接损害,而不是间接损害。
DNA damage can be separated into two types, i.e., the direct damage and the indirect damage. 辐射损伤分为两种:直接损伤和间接损伤。
Experimental study of resisting multi-hitting capacity on FRP confined concrete on condition of indirect damage by weapons 多次胸腔穿刺术的改进武器间接命中条件下FRP约束混凝土抗多次打击能力
An evaluation method and a mathematical model for indirect economic loss of flood damage are presented in this paper. According to the region of floodplain, the input output table is constructed. 根据洪灾区灾后经济运行发展状况,从综合评价角度,提出了洪灾间接经济损失评估的方法及数学模型。
One of the main reasons which increase in indirect losses is damage of equipments in power system which retard the rescue works. 而由于电力设施的损坏使得救援工作无法顺利进行是使间接经济损失增多的原因之一。
There are three types of indirect cost of disaster damage described in this paper, namely indirect cost of shutting down or slowing production due to the linkage of industrial sectors, the cost of pulling up of intermediate products and the cost of investment premium. 本文研究了三种灾害间接经济损失的计量,即间接停减产损失、中间投入积压增加损失和投资溢价损失。
Conclusions Low-and-mid levels of indirect bilirubin can result the nerve system damage of newborn infants. 结论轻、中度高间接胆红素血症也可对新生儿产生永久性神经系统损伤。
Conclusion: Indirect trauma on the TMJ can damage its natural barrier, expose the collagen fibrils and start autoimmunity, then cause TMJ osteoarthrosis. 结论:间接性TMJ损伤使具有抗原性的髁突表面纤维暴露,激发了抗原&抗体反应,引起关节自身破坏,导致颞下颌关节骨关节病的发生。
The multi objective optimal model is given for indirect economic loss of flood damage. 从国民经济整体效益出发,建立了计算洪灾间接经济损失下限的多目标优化模型。
The indirect index method of damage detection was detailedly studied by model test and numerical simulation. 间接损伤诊断系列试验、数值仿真研究。
Investigation of direct and indirect interaction of DNA damage induced by high LET~ 7 Li ions 高LET的~7Li离子致DNA损伤的直接和间接作用研究
Someone suffering from the regulated papers, spirit damage or indirect damage should have right to get compensation. 对于制定规范性文件产生的损害、精神损害、间接损害,受害人都应该有权获得赔偿。
Damages of tortuous liability include indirect damage and non-property damage. Part ⅲ discusses the risk-preventing system of lawyering. 律师侵权责任中的损害事实应包括间接财产损害和非财产损害。第三部分探讨了律师民事责任的风险防范制度。
In this element, the direct property damage should be fully compensated, while for the indirect property damage, pure economic loss and psychiatric injury, the principle of reasonable compensation should be adopted. 因专家行为使第三人遭受的直接财产损失应予全面赔偿、充分救济,间接财产损失或者纯粹经济损失、精神损害则应采取合理赔偿原则。
Once some bridge particularly the essential one expires, it can cause city paralysis and creates huge direct and the indirect economic loss, so the damage identification on the bridge structure is essential. 一旦某一座桥梁失效,尤其是关键桥梁,可能导致城市市区交通的瘫痪,并且造成巨大的直接和间接经济损失。因此,对于桥梁结构进行实时的健康检测和损伤识别十分必要。
The damage scope of the administration compensation in our country should include not only the direct damage, but also the indirect damage; not only the material damage, but also the spiritual damage. 与之相应,我国行政补偿的损害范围不仅应包括直接损害,而且还应包括间接损害;不仅应包括物质性损害,还应包括精神性损害。
It adopts the theoretical method including: Neoclassical Growth Theory, Dynamic Metering Model, Measurement of indirect cost of environmental pollution and ecological damage, benefit and loss analysis of environmental economy. 主要采用的理论方法有:新古典经济增长理论、动态计量模型、环境污染和生态破坏经济损失的计量、环境经济损益分析等。
The fourth part proposes combining compensatory and punitive reliefs together, increasing the compensation standard in personal injury and enlarge the scope of rendering compensation to mental injury, not only compensate direct losses but also compensate indirect losses in property damage. 第四部分提出补偿性和惩罚性相结合赔偿原则;在人身损害赔偿中提高赔偿标准和扩大精神损害赔偿的适用范围;在财产损害赔偿中既赔偿直接损失又赔偿间接损失。
Four contents are expounded as follows. ( 1) The indirect index method of damage detection was detailedly studied by model test and numerical simulation. 本文主要开展了如下四方面工作:(1)间接损伤诊断系列试验、数值仿真研究。
Hepatitis B is a immunity related disease. There is no direct damage to liver cells after HBV infection, its a indirect damage through inducing immunological reactions. 乙型肝炎是一种免疫相关性疾病,机体感染HBV后并不直接对肝细胞造成损伤,而是通过诱发机体的免疫反应间接损伤肝细胞。
Test of electromagnetic compatibility of these devices can prevent the direct or indirect damage to bodies resulting from electromagnetic interference, and it also plays an important role in safety of medical devices. 电磁兼容性测试可以尽量预防因电磁干扰直接或间接的对人体造成的伤害,对医疗设备的安全性起到重要的作用。